The Dylan Review, Vol. 3.1, Summer 2021

The by now well-established Dylan Review has a new issue online – Vol. 3.1, Summer 2021, at:

The various authors scrutinise multiple aspects of Bob Dylan’s work. The issue opens with a timely multi-author set of tributes to the artist on his 80th birthday, by Anne Marie Mai, Timothy Hampton, Alessandro Portelli, Michael Gray, Alessandro Carrera, Andrew Muir and John Hughes. Jacqueline Osherow contributes a tribute poem. The articles include pieces on Dylan and Wallace Stevens (Jim Salvucci) and the influence of evangelist Hal Lindsey on the Christian Dylan (Jeffrey Lamp), and an in-depth analysis of ‘Gates of Eden’ (Sarah Gates). David Thurmaeir reviews the recently issued three-disc set Bob Dylan 1970, while the books reviewed include Luca Grossi’s Bob Dylan in Hell: Songs in Dialogue with Dante and Alessandro Portelli’s Bob Dylan, pioggia e vento: ‘Hard Rain’, una ballata fra tradizione e modernità (both reviewed by Michele Ulisse Lipparini); Jim Curtis’s Decoding Dylan (reviewed by John H. Serembus); and The World of Bob Dylan, edited by Sean Latham (reviewed by Christopher Rollason).

The last-named review being by myself, I have posted on it in a separate entry on this blog (today’s date).     

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